Tag Archives: university

Going back to Portsmouth

In less than twelve hours I’ll be at the airport going back to Portsmouth. My intention was to attend to the graduation ball this Saturday, unfortunately my +1 ran away at the last minute and I forgot to collect my ticket, so I don’t know if I’ll be able to attend to it, but I’ll try 😉

Even if I won’t be able to achieve my intention, I’ll be with my family in my graduation ceremony this 22th. As you can imagine, I don’t wanna miss my own graduation 😛

Wish me luck!

Prize at the Student Research Conference

Last Wednesday 11th of March was the Student Research Conference. Organized by the University of Portsmouth, the conference is opened to all the students of the University. I’ve taken part in it by presenting my research on distributed filing system.

My presentation “Harnessing the power of Peer-to-Peer technology to create a secure and low-cost filing system” was elected as the best. That was a total surprise! I’ve never thought about winning the prize, firstly because my English, and secondly because the level was really high. However it seems like I underestimate myself 🙂

There was a lot of amazing projects. I found the work conducted by Mark Bollman and Waheed Bhatti on “Cellular Automata and Genetic Behaviour” and “Nucleus – peer to peer information sharing”, particularly interesting. I know it is unlikely for them to read this, but if somehow you manage the way through here, you’ve to know you’re awesome!

If someone is interested, my presentation can be downloaded in PPTX, PPT and ODP.